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Monthly Archive for July, 2014

Purple Heart For Bravery

Today is Vinny is two weeks post-amputation! He had his first visit to the medical oncologist yesterday morning, along with his first chemotherapy treatment in the afternoon. He went home with a purple heart of bravery, awarded by the wonderful hospital staff. 🙂 Meeting with the medical oncology doctor was great. She was so helpful with […]

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Day Ten – Cone Free!

Time is flying! Can’t believe it’s been ten days already! Vinny got his sutures out today, which means no more e-collar! Woo hoo! The doctor also said his incision looks great and he is recovering well. I noticed a tiny bit of bright red blood in his stool this morning, but I wasn’t overly alarmed, since […]

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Nine Days – Happy Kitty

So after yesterday’s “down” day, Vinny seems back to normal again. I was mostly worried that he was less chatty and less purr-y than usual. And just a tiny bit slower. Nothing too serious, and my concerns have subsided today, since he seems like a happy kitty again. One of the friendly folks at the […]

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One Week A Tripawd

Today is just over one week since Vinny’s amputation. He is still doing well. He is doing all his eating, drinking and elimination functions properly and getting around well. He’s been off the tramadol for two days, and I’m not sure if I am imagining it, but he seems a little “blah”. Hard to explain, really. Just […]

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Day 5 – Vinny’s Chair

Day 5 post amputation here. Vinny is still doing well. The incision seems like it’s healing properly, and today is the last day of his tramadol prescription. Mobility wise, he’s walking around just fine, but takes more breaks to lie down. And luckily, he really knows his limits – and hasn’t tried to jump up […]

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48 & 72

Hey everyone! 🙂 We are 48 hours home now and 72 hours post-amp, and we’re doing well. Vinny is getting better at using three legs, he is eating, drinking, pooping and peeing. His poo is a little runny from the meds, but at least he’s doing it. He gives me a bit of trouble when […]

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Why Do Cats Purr?

So, Vinny’s been home for over six hours now and he’s still doing splendidly. 🙂 He ate a full wet meal at dinner time, has taken his meds and seems quite at ease. He even let me ice his incision (only intermittently for a minute or so at a time, but I’ll take it for now). […]

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Home & Happy

Vinny’s home! 😀 The doctor called me this morning to tell me how well he was doing and that he’d be ready to come home later in the day. I was very happy to hear this. I picked him up a couple hours ago. As soon as I saw him, I stuck my fingers in […]

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Diagnosis & Decision

Hi Tripawd mums & dads! 😀 I just wanted to introduce myself and say thank you so much for this forum! My boy Vinny went in for his amputation this morning and his doctor recommended I do some reading here on this site. I am so glad he did! I’ve spent all day reading it, […]

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